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Celebrity Wuss Scale at snoot.org

Who would win in a fight,

Dan Rather     or     The Little Prince ?

7,149,204 total matches played.
rank name - click for info won lost win %
1. The Spice Girls 221234 240015 -45.0-15
2. Curious George 234482 226767 -42.0-27
3. Madonna 244730 216518 -40.0-5
4. Arnold Schwarzenegger 253948 207301 -38.0-5
5. Genghis Khan 259409 201839 -36.0-87
6. Hugh Grant 262419 198829 -36.0-22
7. Alf 271258 189991 -34.0-30
8. Papa Smurf 280201 181047 -32.0-36
9. Jackie Chan 289912 171337 -30.0-26
10. Godzilla 301171 160078 -27.0-82
11. Darth Vader 309967 151282 -25.0-91
12. The Monty Python Crew 315329 145919 -24.0-75
13. Pythagoras 329249 131999 -21.0-73
14. Benjamin Franklin 337219 124030 -20.00
15. Leonardo DiCaprio 359231 102018 -15.0-23
16. Hanson 362190 99059 -14.0-59
17. The Little Prince 381024 80224 -10.0-50
18. Jesus 100770 360479 21.84
19. Michael Jackson 109121 352128 23.65
20. L. Ron Hubbard 112432 348817 24.37
21. William Gates III 120461 340788 26.11
22. Steve Case, AOL CEO 127297 333951 27.59
23. Yanni 139320 321929 30.20
24. Jerry Springer 145831 315417 31.61
25. Ralph Nader 159965 301284 34.68
26. Pikachu 168881 292368 36.61
27. Mr. T 173317 287930 37.57
28. Robocop 178215 283033 38.63
29. Bob Barker 189902 271347 41.17
30. Dan Rather 200117 261131 43.38
31. Homer Simpson 210750 250498 45.69

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